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Career Services

Career Services

Why hire a career guides?

Do you feel like you’ve forgotten everything you once knew? Does it seem like others know more than you do? Are you an EAD mom or waiting for your Employment Authorization Document? Do you have a work permit and are looking for a job? Have you been at home for a few years and are unsure which career to choose? Is everyone suggesting you get into IT or Salesforce?

At Aware Naari, we understand the unique challenges faced by immigrant women entering or re-entering the workforce. Our team of experienced women coaches are just like you – we speak your languages and have navigated the same paths you are starting on. We provide a supportive, understanding environment tailored to your needs and aspirations.

The Benefits of a Career Coach

  • Investing Time Now Saves Problems Later: Spending time now to understand your career goals and develop a plan can help you avoid wasting time in jobs that aren’t a good fit, ultimately leading to greater career success.
  • Explore a Variety of Career Paths: There are many functions across industries and organizations. A career coach can help you identify potential career paths that align with your interests and skills.
  • Understand Your Strengths and Passions: Our career coaches will help you understand your strengths, challenges, skills, and passions, which is key to finding a career that provides satisfaction and fulfillment.
  • Achieve Greater Job Satisfaction and Income Potential: Working in a career that aligns with your interests and strengths leads to greater job satisfaction and income potential. A career coach can help you make informed decisions about your career path to maximize your potential for success.

Monthly Coaching Package

Our comprehensive 3-month coaching package includes personalized and group sessions to provide you with the support you need to succeed.

Duration: 3 months

Services Included:

  • Personal Coaching: 4 hours of one-on-one coaching each month.
  • Group Sessions: 2 group sessions each month with our coaches and other candidates.

Cost: $600 per month

What You Will Get

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Your career coach will assess your background, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and passions. They will provide personalized career information such as:
    • Best-suited career paths
    • Existing skills and how to leverage them
    • Skills to develop and how to grow them
  • Personalized Report: A detailed report on your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and passions.
  • Helpful Resources: Content and resources tailored to starting or advancing your career in the US.
  • Feedback and Guidance: Ongoing support to refine your career strategy and ensure you are on track to achieve your career goals.

At Aware Naari, our goal is to help you find a career that aligns with your strengths and passions, providing you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your career goals.


Molly Gray

My name is Molly Gray, and I am thrilled to offer both career coaching and resume writing services. My background is in corporate and field compensation, which involves analyzing and knowing the ins and outs of all jobs that exist in the majority of companies. I have worked in various industries in both the public and private sector, including but not limited to tech, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, hospitality, finance, and food and beverage.

I am a Certified Compensation Professional, and I also have an MBA with a concentration in HR Management. I minored in Global Studies and Cultural Geography in college, and I have an immense passion for learning about other cultures and immersing myself in them. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to study abroad three times in college and volunteer abroad the summer after I graduated. I also make it a priority to teach my eleven-year-old son about other cultures, who I have brought with me to visit seven countries. Because of my background in HR and compensation, I know about typical and atypical career paths an individual may take based on their previous experiences and skills.

I believe that every person is unique, and they deserve a custom, tailored approach to their career services. I am elated to provide individualize assistance on your career journey, and I look forward to partnering with you!

Pia Bharadwaj

Hi, I’m Pia, your Career Coach at Aware Naari. With a decade of HR experience in diverse sectors like multinational corporations, non-profits, healthcare, and local government, I’ve developed a deep understanding of different organizational dynamics. My expertise spans compensation and HRBP roles, supported by certifications such as PHR, CCP, and GRP. At Mercer Inc. and other organizations, I’ve honed my skills in extensive salary surveys, what people should get paid, which are crucial for crafting informed career strategies. Over the last two years, I’ve focused on empowering women by helping them navigate their career paths with confidence. I’m here to guide you through every step of your professional journey. Let’s unlock your potential together!

Need help with your resume? Do you have a gap in your career? Is your resume dated? Are you new to the job market and need to create a winning resume? Have you listed your top 5 strengths on your resume? Is your current resume out of date? When did you last format your resume? Have you upgraded your resume for your next level job?

If you need help with your resume, you’re not alone! Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Address Gaps in Your Career: If you have gaps in your employment history, be sure to address them in your resume. Include a brief explanation of why there was a gap and what you were doing during that time.
  • Keep Your Resume Updated: It’s important to keep your resume up-to-date, even if you’re not actively job searching. This will make it easier for you to apply for jobs when the time comes.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Including your top 5 strengths on your resume can help showcase your unique skills and talents.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Keep your language simple and easy to understand, avoiding industry jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Showcase Your Achievements: Instead of just listing your responsibilities, focus on the accomplishments and results you’ve achieved in your previous roles.
  • Use Bullet Points and White Space: Make your resume easy to scan by using bullet points and plenty of white space, rather than long paragraphs of text.
  • Keep It Brief: Aim for a one to two-page resume that highlights your most important skills and experiences.
  • Focus on Formatting: A well-formatted resume can make a big difference in how it’s received by potential employers. Make sure it’s easy to read, with clear headings and bullet points.
  • Tailor Your Resume for Each Job: When applying for a specific job, tailor your resume to match the requirements of that job. This may involve rearranging or adding sections to highlight relevant experience and skills.

How does it work?

  1. Choose Your Resume Writer: Select a resume writer based on specialization (IT, HR, Finance, Marketing, etc.) or personal preference.
  2. Welcome Email: You will receive a welcome email once you purchase the resume writing service.
  3. Select a Template: Choose from a list of templates provided in email or leave it to the writer to select one best suited to your career.
  4. Download the Resume Intake Form: Fill out the form and return it to us. If you already have a resume, please send it for reference.

What will you get?

  • Initial Call: Our resume writer may have questions and will reach out to set up a 15-minute call if needed.
  • Preferred Style: If you have a preferred resume style or template, please let the writer know.
  • Final Resume: You will receive your winning resume via email.
  • Edits: You may have questions or edits; one edit is included in the cost.
  • Satisfaction Policy: Please note that if you are not satisfied with the resume, we still have to pay the writer.

Typical Turnaround Time: 7-10 business days

Pricing Options

  • Entry-Level Resume: $150
    • Suitable for recent graduates or individuals with less than 5 years of experience.
  • Professional Level Resume: $250
    • Ideal for individuals with 5-15 years of experience or those making a significant career change.
  • Executive Level Resume: $400
    • Designed for senior-level management or C-suite positions, requiring detailed attention to experience and accomplishments.

At Aware Naari, our goal is to help you find a career that aligns with your strengths and passions, providing you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your career goals. Let us help you create a resume that stands out and propels you toward your next career opportunity.


Molly Gray

My name is Molly Gray, and I am thrilled to offer both career coaching and resume writing services. My background is in corporate and field compensation, which involves analyzing and knowing the ins and outs of all jobs that exist in the majority of companies. I have worked in various industries in both the public and private sector, including but not limited to tech, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, hospitality, finance, and food and beverage.

I am a Certified Compensation Professional, and I also have an MBA with a concentration in HR Management. I minored in Global Studies and Cultural Geography in college, and I have an immense passion for learning about other cultures and immersing myself in them. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to study abroad three times in college and volunteer abroad the summer after I graduated. I also make it a priority to teach my eleven-year-old son about other cultures, who I have brought with me to visit seven countries. Because of my background in HR and compensation, I know about typical and atypical career paths an individual may take based on their previous experiences and skills.

I believe that every person is unique, and they deserve a custom, tailored approach to their career services. I am elated to provide individualize assistance on your career journey, and I look forward to partnering with you!

Interview Preparation Services by Aware Naari

Do you have a gap in your career? Is a big interview coming up? Could you use some practice runs to boost your confidence? Have you practiced for the crucial “Tell me about yourself” question? Are you prepared to handle questions you might not have a direct answer for? Have you prepared 3-4 good questions to ask when the recruiter says, “Do you have any questions for me?”

Clearing that first round with the recruiter is the first step to landing your dream job. Preparing well for an interview involves research, practice, and strategy. At Aware Naari, we will help you feel confident and prepared for every round, from the first to the last.

How We Help You Prepare

  • Research:We guide you in researching the role and industry to tailor your responses to the company’s specific needs.
  • Practice:We help you practice your pitch and prepare for critical questions like “Tell me about yourself,” “Do you have any questions for me?”, and various behavioral questions.
  • Preparation: Our team of experienced recruiters and working moms provides more than just interview prep. You’ll learn how to communicate with confidence and clarity, preparing you for both entry-level and executive interview rounds.

Why Choose Our Services?

Preparing for a job interview can be nerve-wracking, especially if you have a career gap or lack interview experience. With our guidance and practice, you can feel more confident and prepared. Here are a few tips we emphasize:

  • Research the Company: Understand the company’s mission, values, and culture to tailor your responses.
  • Prepare for Common Questions: Practice answers to common questions and relate your experiences to the job requirements.
  • Address Career Gaps:Be prepared to explain any gaps in your career and how they have prepared you for the role.
  • Mock Interviews:Conduct mock interviews with a trusted person and get feedback on your responses and body language.
  • Prepare Questions to Ask: Have insightful questions ready for the interviewer to show your interest and initiative.

How It Works

  • Choose Your Coach: Select an interview prep coach based on specialization (IT, HR, Finance, Marketing, etc.).
  • Book a Consultation: Schedule a 30-45 minute consultation at a time that suits you and based on availability of our current career coaches.
  • Initial Session: Your coach will gather information about your situation, upcoming interview, past experiences, and more. You’ll receive guidance on soft skills, industry research, and interview preparation, along with some homework for the next session.
  • Follow-Up Session: Come prepared with research about the role. Your coach will refine your language, delivery, and provide interview-winning techniques.

Pricing Options

  • Entry-Level Interview Prep: Three 30-minute sessions for $75 each. Get the third session for half off at $37.50.
  • Experienced Level Interview Prep:Two 45-minute sessions for $60 each.
  • Managerial Role Prep:Two 45-minute sessions for $90 each.
  • FAANG-M Companies Prep:Two 1-hour sessions for $299.

At Aware Naari, our goal is not just to help you land your dream job, but also to help you communicate with confidence and clarity in all aspects of your professional life. With our interview preparation services, you’ll be ready to tackle any interview with ease.


Molly Gray

My name is Molly Gray, and I am thrilled to offer both career coaching and resume writing services. My background is in corporate and field compensation, which involves analyzing and knowing the ins and outs of all jobs that exist in the majority of companies. I have worked in various industries in both the public and private sector, including but not limited to tech, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, hospitality, finance, and food and beverage.

I am a Certified Compensation Professional, and I also have an MBA with a concentration in HR Management. I minored in Global Studies and Cultural Geography in college, and I have an immense passion for learning about other cultures and immersing myself in them. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to study abroad three times in college and volunteer abroad the summer after I graduated. I also make it a priority to teach my eleven-year-old son about other cultures, who I have brought with me to visit seven countries. Because of my background in HR and compensation, I know about typical and atypical career paths an individual may take based on their previous experiences and skills.

I believe that every person is unique, and they deserve a custom, tailored approach to their career services. I am elated to provide individualize assistance on your career journey, and I look forward to partnering with you!

Renu Gera

Embark on a transformative journey with Renu, a versatile Life Coach devoted to empowering individuals along their path of self-discovery. Holding Bachelors and Masters degrees in Sculpture, Renu’s artistic flair infuses her coaching with visionary creativity. Complementing her educational prowess is a second Masters degree from America, while 5+ years in Human Resources and Talent Acquisition lend a strategic depth to her insights.Renu’s evolution as a Life Coach, licensed by the esteemed JSCS school, shines brightly with a continuous commitment to personal growth through additional courses in finance, sales, marketing, and advertising skills. Backed by a record of 40+ coaching hours, her dedication resonates in her mission to guide both men and women across diverse life stages. Whether empowering stay-at-home mothers to achieve independence, aiding career transitions, or guiding through post-divorce chapters, Renu draws from personal experience to compassionately navigate emotional complexities and reveal innate strength.

With Renu as your steadfast confidante and mentor, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery. Together, you’ll unveil and conquer the mental barriers that stand between you and life’s remarkable milestones.

Pia Bharadwaj

Hi, I’m Pia, your Career Coach at Aware Naari. With a decade of HR experience in diverse sectors like multinational corporations, non-profits, healthcare, and local government, I’ve developed a deep understanding of different organizational dynamics. My expertise spans compensation and HRBP roles, supported by certifications such as PHR, CCP, and GRP. At Mercer Inc. and other organizations, I’ve honed my skills in extensive salary surveys, what people should get paid, which are crucial for crafting informed career strategies. Over the last two years, I’ve focused on empowering women by helping them navigate their career paths with confidence. I’m here to guide you through every step of your professional journey. Let’s unlock your potential together!