Immigrant women may struggle to make friendships for several reasons: 1.Language Barrier: Language is often a major barrier for immigrant women. If they do not speak the language of the host country fluently, they ...
Emotional Support: Friendships provide emotional support and a sense of belonging, which can help reduce stress and boost mental health. Women often rely on their friends to talk through problems and difficult situations, ...
As an immigrant woman in Corporate America, you may face unique challenges that can make it more difficult to succeed in your career. However, with the right mindset and skills, you can overcome ...
First Career is not your last Today, I want to share a wild and inspiring journey that started with a student visa and led me to where I am now. Buckle up, because ...
STRUGGLES FOR ACCOMPLISHING SATISFIED LIFE Every person's life is a unique combination of struggles and opportunities. Sometimes, we may face challenges that seem insurmountable, but at the same time, opportunities may also come ...
Avoid calling "Doll" for Children Let the girls play with dolls but don't grow them to be like dolls. It's not uncommon to hear parents and caregivers refer to children as "dolls" or "little ...